Current offers
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Current offers

I'm the cheapest guy in the area, possibly in Colorado.

For most work, I charge a service call, and labor. The labor charge is $25.00 per hour.  The service call is what it costs to arrive at a given location, and varies. TO UNLOCK A VEHICLE, I ONLY CHARGE FOR A SERVICE CALL.  Here are some examples:

Idaho Springs (within city limits)                                                                  $25

Dumont Downieville and Lawson                                                                  $35

Empire  (within city limits)                                                                           $35

Georgetown                                                                                               $35

Loveland Ski Area                                                                                      $50

Berthoud Falls                                                                                           $40

Berthoud Pass                                                                                           $50

Floyd Hill  (within 2 miles of interstate exit)                                                   $35

Central City (within city limits)                                                                      $35

Blackhawk  (within city limits)                                                                      $40

Colorado Sierra  and Golden Gate Canyon Park area                                      $50

Rollinsville or South Beaver Creek area                                                          $55

It's that simple. Day or night, weekend, holiday, sun or snow.  I reserve the right to answer or not answer the phone. I'm usually in a reasonably good mood. Be nice or I reserve the right to hang up.   Blocked caller ID's will be dealt with at my pleasure, prepare to hear a lot of heavy breathing, and other such fun!

"Locked Out?    Call me last!"